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Big Flush toilet

· toilet accessories

Why Big Flush Toilet?

Why, you might ask, is this blog called “Big Flush Toilet”?

Way back in 1992 the United States Congress and our president at the time passed the massive 1992 Energy Policy Act. Within that Act was a provision that by 1994, all new toilets sold in the United States must use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf).

Up to that time most toilets manufactured in the United States used 3.5 gpf or more - some with as much as 7 gallons per flush…Wow, talk about getting the job done!

In other words, the government thought it was okay to tell you and me how big our flush can be!

It occurred to me that this “act of congress” illustrates just how insane our government has become. Micromanagement of every aspect of our lives appears to be the goal. Soon I expect them to regulate how many squares of toilet paper I can use to get the job done…Liberals have already called for this so don’t look at me that way: I quote -

Singer Sheryl Crow has said a ban on using too much toilet paper should be introduced to help the environment.

Crow has suggested using “only one square each restroom visits, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where two to three could be required”.

(You might not want to shake her hand…I’m just saying!), here’s the link.

It would appear that the United States government is no longer bound by the constraints of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, and is quickly sliding towards a socialist/fascist state.

This means that “We the People” need to change the direction of this out-of-control government or dissolve it and replace it with re-constituted Constitutional, Representative Republic (which is what we are supposed to have now).

In other words, there is a lot of crap out there in government that needs to be flushing toilet.

big flush toilet